Educational Resources

An image features a green board background showcasing the children's missal and a liturgical calendar. The caption highlights "Educational Resources."

Welcome to the Educational Resources category of Bayard Faith Resources, your destination for all your teacher and student needs. Our collection includes curriculum, academic planners, books, activities, videos, and more for all ages and levels, perfect for Catholic schools, parishes, and families.

SALE - How to Tell Sacred Stories to Middle Schoolers
$2.95 $0.89

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Calming Meditations for Busy Catechists
How to Talk with Teens about Compassion and Justice
How to Talk with Teens about Faith, God and Prayer
How to Talk with Teens about Health, Happiness and Well-Being
How to Talk with Teens about Building Strong Relationships
Celebrating "The Ministry of the Catechist": Reflections on Pope Francis' Antiquum Ministerium
Soul-Care for Teachers 20: Practices to Boost Your Spirit and Well-Being
Meet the Kids in the Bible: Activities, Prayers and Virtues to Follow in Their Footsteps
SALE - Effective Catechetical Leadership in Changing Times: Faith-Habits to Recharge Your Mission
$3.95 $1.19

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Catechists Awake!: 10 Minute Reflections, Prayers and Takeaways for a GREAT Faith-Sharing Ministry
Sharing the Faith with Every Child: A Catechist's Guide to the Many Ways We Learn
Time to Say Goodbye: A Grief Activity Workbook for Kids and Their Families
Planning for Restored Order: Reconciliation and Eucharist for Older Children
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Planning for the Catechumenate for Children: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
Planning for RCIA: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
Planning for Confirmation Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
Planning for Reconciliation: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program