Educational Resources

An image features a green board background showcasing the children's missal and a liturgical calendar. The caption highlights "Educational Resources."

Welcome to the Educational Resources category of Bayard Faith Resources, your destination for all your teacher and student needs. Our collection includes curriculum, academic planners, books, activities, videos, and more for all ages and levels, perfect for Catholic schools, parishes, and families.

Step by Step: Lectionary Activities for Kids (Ages 4-7)
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Footprints in Faith: Take-Home Lectionary Activities for Kids (Ages 7-12) for Every Sunday of the Three Year Cycle
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The Liturgy of the Word with Children - A Complete Three-Year Program following the Lectionary
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The Complete Children’s Liturgy Book - Liturgies of the Word for Years A, B, C
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365 Prayers for Catholic Schools and Parish Youth Groups: Interactive, Seasonal, Traditional
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Individual First Communion Banner
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First Communion Banner Collection
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